Our consultancy toolkit
Psychological Consultancy (PCL) has developed a high quality toolkit of assessments that can be drawn upon to maximise the impact of consultancy work. This includes the Hogan Assessments, gold standard personality assessments that have been used in practice for over 25 years, and the EQi measure of Emotional Intelligence. Alongside this, PCL has developed our own portfolio of highly regarded psychometric assessments, based on considerable research and testing. These include the Risk Type Compass and Profile:Match2®.
Using the insights from the chosen assessments, we can objectively identify individual/group strengths and weaknesses, and enable development and growth across the full spectrum of personal qualities, from Emotional Intelligence to self-awareness to risk propensity and attitudes towards decision making.
Bespoke coaching
Our bespoke developmental coaching packages harness our deep understanding of personality and its impact on performance to provide key individual insights for focused interventions. This process enables coachees to raise their game and face the challenges before them in a more effective way, enhancing their self-awareness as well as their interpersonal and team building skills.
Candidate screening
We consult with clients to help them make best use of early stage assessment methods, particularly valuable for volume recruitment processes. We can design bespoke processes that focus on the characteristics critical to success in the target role and benchmark individuals against the optimal candidate profile through a combination of targeted assessments.
Employee engagement
Fully customisable, our employee engagement survey addresses a wide range of critical organisational levers of employee engagement and enables you to target specific issues facing your staff. We can consult with you to address areas of concern, ranging from implementing changes to the physical working environment to changes in the organisational structure or communication channels.
Executive assessment
Our assessment model covers four critical perspectives: ‘bright side’ personality characteristics; ‘dark side’ characteristics; motives, values and preferences; and high-level reasoning. This comprehensive analysis provides insights into each candidate’s strengths in relation to the job profile, as well as the advantages and challenges of the extreme profiles that often surface at this level of appointment.
Executive coaching
Our unique approach is based on knowledge of the personal and interpersonal characteristics that impact workplace behaviour. During the one-to-one sessions, we will address specific development needs and help individuals build a personal development plan to enhance their leadership skills. Supported by personality profiling and 360° assessments, our flexible coaching process can be tailored to fit with the individual and organisational needs.
Leadership development
Our individual development initiatives ensure employees are equipped with the necessary skills for success and allow the organisation to invest in its talent. Whether you are looking to help staff address specific development areas, grow your high-potential employees, develop your leaders or coach your executives, we can help. We draw on our range of tools and experience to enhance self-insight and guide meaningful development outcomes.
Team development
We use objective measures of personality and values to profile teams and design focused exercises that facilitate discussion of individual differences and similarities, as well as team convergence and divergence. This profiling technique can help to reduce conflict in toxic teams, improve relationships, and pinpoint areas to improve team effectiveness.
Assessment centres
We design, deliver and manage industry-leading assessment centres to help you select the right candidates for your business, working closely with clients to design innovative, bespoke exercises that accurately reflect the unique challenges and culture of the organisation. We can either run the assessment centres for you or train your staff to act as assessors and/or observers so you can operate the process independently.
As trusted by…
We help our clients develop leaders and talent. We offer the best assessment tools and tailormade leadership development programs delivered by highly experienced business psychologists.