Football is played at an astounding pace. Top-level footballers reach speeds comparable to Olympic sprinters; with Kylian Mbappe recently reaching a staggering 36 km/h. ...
Launched in 2016, the Student Sponsorship Programme was founded on the principle of academic collaboration. It achieves this by providing MSc students with access ...
The number of people working from home has gradually increased in recent years. In 2019, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that over ...
PROFILE:MATCH2™ is a psychometric that takes the rigour of using personality assessment for volume recruitment & translates into your competency language.
How can applying Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and the ABCDE approach can help in coaching conversations – especially those focused on emotional intelligence ...
6th July 2020 As part of Hogan Assessment Systems’ commitment to providing the highest scientific standards in testing, the older UK norm groups will be ...
17th March 2020 Following statements issued by the World Health Organisation and our Prime Minister, we would like to provide some information relating to ...
Risk Type & Organisational Change by Ruth Murray-Webster of Potentiality UK Listen to Ruth Murray-Webster talk about organisational change and utilising the Risk Type ...