New research provides evidence that women consistently rate their own performance lower than men do. Employers need to do more to tackle this damaging ...
Article by Steven Goldstein, trader performance coach at Alpha R Cubed. Imagine an aspiring sprinter who is physically tall, slim and wiry. The sprinter ...
From pursuing suspects, controlling traffic, resolving disputes, responding to accidents, or conducting arrests, few jobs can match the variety and severity of the potential ...
People are frequently cited as an organisation’s biggest asset, so the idea that everything related to risk management comes back to people seems obvious. ...
Byline article by Gillian Hyde, Chief Psychologist, PCL. First published in the HRDirector, March, 2016. Reproduced with permission. Dark side personality characteristics have their roots in ...
By Geoff Trickey, Managing Director, Psychological Consultancy Ltd (PCL) and Steven Goldstein, Trader Performance Coach, Alpha R Cubed. First published in FX Street In ...
With the prevalence today of selfies, social media use and an obsession with celebrity culture, it is little wonder that research suggests narcissistic personality ...
With two-thirds of millennials wanting to launch their own business and the explosion of technology enabling more agile start-ups, entrepreneurs have been the subject ...